Friday, February 28, 2014

Stay Informed!

A great resource for parents is!  Anybody can sign up for updates, check reviews, test scores...very cool resource!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Recent Improvements at Walnut Hill Elementary School

COMING SOON!  Pictures of the new improvements on the grounds of Walnut Hill Elementary, including improved parking lot (sorry, still no parent parking) and new playground.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No Access For The Handicap Parent!

I noticed in many of the City of Petersburg plans (new library, City Hall, etc) that special consideration was given for handicap access, as well it should be.  Then, I noticed that most of our schools do NOT accommodate for the handicap parent.  Sure, if you child needs a special bus or entrance, there are accommodations, but for the handicap parent, there is not much.  Sure, if you call ahead and make arrangements, you can access the school as the handicap pupils do, but there should be adequate handicap parking and access for visitors and parents, alike...of which, there is none at Walnut Hill Elementary.  I plan on exploring other schools in Petersburg to see what access they have.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Virginia Senate Has A Plan!

This is a MUST READ article:

Chesterfield running Petersburg City Public Schools???

Petersburg response..."Surprised".  What a garbage response.

These egomaniacs refuse to put our children first.  They are more concerned about other people telling them what to do even though they likely could help us.

Spring Break? Ha!

Because Petersburg City Public Schools does not schedule for "snow days", our kids will miss part of their spring break.  

Read more here:

Friday, February 7, 2014

The City Must Invest!

For far too long, our City Council in Petersburg has neglected to realize that for a stuggle school to improve, the City must invest.  Instead of studying the needs of our schools, our lack-luster Council members simple base our budget on what our neighbors spend, per child/pupil, not wanting to realize we are unique here and so are our problems.  We are not our neighbors...they have succeeded with their schools...invested over the years in facilities, staff, technology...this is Petersburg...our schools are battling uphill and will need well more than our neighbors.

If you reading this and live in Petersburg, be sure to voice to our City Council, to "Put up more money for our schools or close them all down".

Child Injured, Never Called Me.

So today my son comes home with a mammoth knot of his head.  Though he seems fine, no one from the school ever called me.  I am glad he is ok, but here is yet another situation where the lines of communication were abandoned and no effort was made to assure the parent was contacted.

Tell me, will year-around schools fix these kinds of problems?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nominate A Teacher Today!

The Virginia Lottery is looking for people to nominate a "Super Teacher" in your community!

Click below to read more and nominate that "Super Teacher"!